Services of our practice
Our main areas are general medicine and prevention
We see our most important task to coordinate various diagnostics, measures and reports of different specializations and to keep an overview in often complex situations. It is our responsibility to explain to you the meaning and consequenses of those results in an easily comprehensible way. This way we can be a competent counselor at your side and present to you the different existing options. You as the center and focus of our work can then make a responsible and well prepared decision about your health issues.
Thanks to the thorough training in internal medicine we can offer many counselling and diagnostic services for which you would otherwise need several specialists.
Among others we use the following technical diagnostic methods:
resting EKG
EKG stress test
spirometry (lung test)
ultrasound of carotids
ultrasound of thyroid gland
ultrasound of abdominal organs

Information about Dr. Hedro Lahdo

Job title: Specialist for Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology
Additional specializations: Dietary Medicine, Emergency Medicine
Additional services: Skin cancer screening
After studying medicine at Johannes-Gutenberg University in Mainz, Dr. Lahdo completed his doctoral thesis in 2002 in the department of opththalmology and started his specialized training at St. Josefs-Hospital in Wiesbaden, where he completed his specialisation and left to found a GP practice in 2011.
Unter the lead of Prof. Dr. W. Kasper and Prof. Dr. R. Raedsch he worked in diverse special wards and also out of hospital:
- Cardiology and Gastroenterology ward
- Coronary intervention care, emergency room, intensive care, ultrasound, endoscopy, chemotherapy ward and HIV ward
- Treatment of diseases in the field of pneumology, angiology, oncology, rheumatology, diabetology, infectiology, hepatology and nephrology
- Engangement out of hospital as emergency doctor, in GP emergency services and as lecturer in internal medicine at St. Josefs-Hospital nurse schoool in Wiesbaden.
In 2008 he received the title of specialist for internal medicine, in 2011 for gastroenterology. In addition to that he also got a specialisation in dietary medicine in 2011.
In April 2011 Dr. Lahdo took over the GP practice of Dr. Ursula and Dr. Peter Harding. In October 2011 he merged with the GP of Dr. Alexander Steinhart and Dr. Boris Steinhart.
In addition to his work in the practice he routinely took part in specialised medical trainings, European and international conferences and congresses especially in the fields of cardiology, gastroenterology, diabetology, pneumology and HIV.
Dr. Lahdo gives lectures and talks for patients and also for specialized doctors about topics in gastroenterology, cardiology, diabetology and HIV. He also is an examiner at Landesärztekammer Hessen in the specialization of internal medicine.
Membership in Bund Deutscher Internisten since 2002
Membership in dagnae since 2011 (Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft niedergelassener Ärzte in der Versorgung HIV-Infizierter e.V.)
Membership in Deutschen Hausärzteverband since 2017
Mitgliedschaft bei der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin since 2021
Membership in Deutschen Roten Kreuz
Membership in UNICEF
Membership in amnesty international
Membership in ACLU (American Civil Rights and Liberty Union)